All of us dream about princes on white horses who will marry us and turn our lives into fairy tales.  But years pass away, and prince is not coming. What to do? You can always continue dreaming that you will meet your own Christian Grey one day, even though there  are more chances to spend the rest of your life with cats.
    At the same time it is silly to marry the first guy who proposes you without searching for some better men (especially if you have options).
    I have two friends, let me call them A and B. A is a very beautiful girl who could work as a model easily (she is 178 cm, has long legs, amazing figure and a very beautiful face), is educated and works in politics. Many successful men wanted to date her but she married a simple guy whom she loved (in spite of the fact that he could not provide her even with an apartment). B is just the opposite of A, short and fat, with ugly pimples on her face. She has never had any fan of her beauty, and when she met a simple man who was ready to date her, she refused because he was not a millionaire and (in her opinion) did not deserve her.
    In the first and the second variants women did silly choices, because they had not analyzed what they can get and what they cannot.
    What is the conclusion of these two opposite situations? Yes, the market. Maybe it sounds offensive for you, but every woman and every man has her or his market price, which you need to take into consideration while searching for your lifetime partner.
    Let me give you an example (I know that some people will not agree with it, but c'est la vie): a young beautiful lady has more chances to get a successful man than a fat grandma (we do not talk about their inner worlds and souls now). Why? Because her market price (on the marriage market) is higher; and she, being on the top of the market, will not choose a homeless old man (who is somewhere deep down).
    So what do we have to do with this knowledge? We should sit down, take a pen and write down our pluses and minuses - for example, I am young, I have a pretty face, I can cook, I am kind; I do not like sport and I have a flat ass, I have yellow teeth because I smoke, I do not know how to flirt with men and so on and so on. Then take another paper and describe there a man whom you need, write everything you need. After this, compare two pieces of paper: do you deserve the perfect man you described? Do you both have same price in the market? If no, you have two variants: 1) make yourself better (clean your teeth, go to the gym, get boob implants and whatever you choose to improve); 2) decrease your requirements (maybe a man will not have six packs or Lamborghini).
    According to logic, less requirements - more variants. Frankly speaking, wise women have only these expectations: a man has to be with money and kind. If you need more, make sure you have something to offer him, otherwise it will not work out.
    So who is the prince for you? You decide! Maybe it is better to stop sitting on the sofa and waiting for a handsome millionaire who will somehow find you on your sofa. Maybe you should look around and realize that men around you is what you really deserve. If all your ex boyfriends, your current boyfriend or male friends are blue-collar workers, you deserve only blue collars! (Which is also not bad.) So either give up or start working on this and get to the next level, change people around you, and, step by step, you will meet a perfect man for you. I wish you happiness and good luck :)



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